Saturday, March 8, 2014

Jeff Bozos is the pioneer of e-commerce Business

Jeff Bozos is the pioneer of e-commerce and entrepreneur. He had completed his graduation in computer science and electrical engineering. Jeff is a technology entrepreneur and played an important role in the growth of e-commerce. Today he the is founder and CEO of though started his career with Wall Street.

Pioneer of E-Commerce
Bezos started his career from Wall Street and left his job for developing internet market. He started a business with an online bookstore. He began developing software with few employees in his office. He had created test software and invites 300 friends for Beta test (consider for external user acceptance). After the successes of beta test he started Within a month, Amazon sold books across 45 foreign countries. His sales reached $20,000 a week in two months. Amazon offering sales on the basis of CDs and video and later on he started with clothes, electronics, toys and more. In 2007, he started with a handheld digital book which allow users to buy, download and read the book.

Buying Post:
Bezos was trying to keep business at the top level that’s why he bought the Washington post. He  said that he doesn’t want to diminish the reputation value of the post. And he invested in newspaper also because he loves the written word.

“Amazon Prime Air”
In December 2013, Bezos   made new headline called “Amazon Prime Air” by using Drones. The Drone is the remote controlled machine which performs any human task. According to Bezos, this drone will carry upto 5pound weight and capable of travelling within 10 miles from distance of the company distribution center.

Currently Jeff announced that, his company going to offer thirty minutes delivery using drone. This is the new goal of Jeff to provide packages into 30 minutes or less than thirty 30min without any vehicle. But again security question is there .because this will be a no man delivery that is unmanned aerial vehicles. But its real issue how drone will deal with obstacles and how will drone find the address. The drone will able to face different weather condition, that’s why Amazon needs to improve on currently available technology.
The entire above question will solve and this will come into the reality within two years.

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